Japanese calligrapher / Artist / 書家

天皇皇后両陛下のお写真と『令和』の書 / シドニー総領事公邸広間 2019
Photos of His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress and the artwork of “Reiwa” / Consul-General of Sydney Official Residence Hall 2019

Ren is an artist who specialises on ‘Shodo’, Japanese traditional calligraphy. In 2003 he gained Australian permanent residence as an artist and has based on Sydney.

 In 2010 his work ‘Furusato’ (En: place of origin) was approved by the Japanese Foreign Ministry as a national property of Japan, meaning his artistic talent is now recognised by two nations Australia and Japan. This work is now housed at the Japanese Embassy in Canberra.

 Ren participated in the production of the Hollywood movie “The Wolverine”(2013) as a calligrapher and “Gods of Egypt”(2016) as a set-finisher.

 He was conferred Consul-General’s Commendation on in 2016.

He was also invited to the Emperor’s Birthday celebrations held at the Consul General’s residence in 2016, 2017 and 2020.

In 2019, he complied commissioned calligraphy for the “Reiwa” which was the new era Japan of the Consulate General in Sydney. It has been exhibited in the hall of the official residence of the Consul General of Sydney after the exhibition of the Consulate General during the entry.

He attended a reception to celebrate the enthronement of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan in 2019 as well

The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) commissioned six books of ale to be written for the Australian Olympic and Paralympic teams in 2020.

In addition to teaching calligraphy classes to younger students, he has been giving calligraphy workshops and performances in various places to introduce calligraphy.


東京学芸大学 教育学部 特別教科教員養成課程(書道)卒業後、



2013年公開のハリウッド映画「ウルヴァリン SAMURAI」の制作に書家として参加。また2016年公開の「Gods of Egypt」にセットフィニッシャーとして参加。






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